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Our Future

What lies ahead for America, the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Now is the time to think about our future. What legacies, triumphs, security, lies ahead for this great country?  That can only be determined by what we are doing today. A government that constantly fights against one another will not give us the prosperous future that our children deserve. It is time to elect representatives that will look past partisanship and truly work for the people, the citizens that reside in the big cities and the rural countryside. The focus on our children, the future leaders  of this country must include access to technology, skills, science, and all other avenues that will give them a true competitive edge. This accessibility must be available to all children across the board. Common sense futuristic legislation must be in place in order to make the best impact on the future.

"I will take YOUR voices to Capitol Hill. When I go, YOU go."

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